looking for information on a horse named Andrut descendants
(too old to reply)
2005-04-17 10:45:59 UTC
Shadow Walker
2005-04-22 01:40:25 UTC
My name is Gina. I am looking for a horse that I had purchased in Texas
Houston in 1992 and sold in 1994. He was an Arabian stud bred by a person
Wilson. I have no copies of his papers and thus can not remember what his
name, registration number was or his bloodlines. He was a stud when I sold
him and the man who purchased him sold him to a lady by the name of Debbie
Henry <sp?). Debbie had him gelded and later moved to North Carolina and
sold him to someone there.
He was grey with a MH freeze brand on his left flank, being he was dark
grey they held the brand until the hair follicles died so no hair grows
there. He has a few white scares on is back legs from barbed wire and a pink
snip on his upper lip close to his right nostril. I am interested in how the
horse is doing and would like to know if I can acquire a copy of his
pedigree. I would like to purchase another horse from his lineage. Any
information would be helpful thanks.

Thanks again,

2005-04-23 04:40:53 UTC
You might try this board. The people on it are very friendly and helpful
and they know alot. You might find something there. Good luck...

Post by Shadow Walker
My name is Gina. I am looking for a horse that I had purchased in Texas
Houston in 1992 and sold in 1994. He was an Arabian stud bred by a person
Wilson. I have no copies of his papers and thus can not remember what his
name, registration number was or his bloodlines. He was a stud when I sold
him and the man who purchased him sold him to a lady by the name of Debbie
Henry <sp?). Debbie had him gelded and later moved to North Carolina and
sold him to someone there.
He was grey with a MH freeze brand on his left flank, being he was dark
grey they held the brand until the hair follicles died so no hair grows
there. He has a few white scares on is back legs from barbed wire and a pink
snip on his upper lip close to his right nostril. I am interested in how the
horse is doing and would like to know if I can acquire a copy of his
pedigree. I would like to purchase another horse from his lineage. Any
information would be helpful thanks.
Thanks again,
Shadow Walker
2005-04-24 03:25:05 UTC
Thank you.
You might try this board. The people on it are very friendly and helpful
and they know alot. You might find something there. Good luck...
Post by Shadow Walker
My name is Gina. I am looking for a horse that I had purchased in Texas
Houston in 1992 and sold in 1994. He was an Arabian stud bred by a person
Wilson. I have no copies of his papers and thus can not remember what his
name, registration number was or his bloodlines. He was a stud when I sold
him and the man who purchased him sold him to a lady by the name of Debbie
Henry <sp?). Debbie had him gelded and later moved to North Carolina and
sold him to someone there.
He was grey with a MH freeze brand on his left flank, being he was dark
grey they held the brand until the hair follicles died so no hair grows
there. He has a few white scares on is back legs from barbed wire and a pink
snip on his upper lip close to his right nostril. I am interested in how the
horse is doing and would like to know if I can acquire a copy of his
pedigree. I would like to purchase another horse from his lineage. Any
information would be helpful thanks.
Thanks again,