Good scare with a scared horse
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John J Ernst
2006-05-25 05:07:38 UTC
Something rather funny happened to me today.

I was mucking out a stable where we have a mare and her foal. Suddenly the
mare let out a loud squeal, brushing passed me to the other side of the
stable nearly knocking me over in the process. She promptly spun on her
heels, laid her ears back and dropped her head.

My first thought was that I had done something to really piss her off, and I
was about to be stomped into the sawdust. Instinctively I opened my mouth to
say something like, "What the @#%&", hoping that the severity of my voice
would bluff her into not turning me into puppy pâté. Just as I was opening
my mouth a bumblebee flew into it stinging me on the lip and tongue. The
mare wasn't mad at me; she was getting behind me for protection. It seems
that the bee had stung her first, and then went on to wallop me.

A new one on me. A horse wanting protected from the bad old bubble bee.

John Ernst
2006-05-27 22:13:14 UTC
Ha! I've not heard of that before but would have loved to have been a
fly on the wall! Bet your lip is sore!! ouch!

John J Ernst
2006-05-31 02:25:03 UTC
I can understand why you'd want to be the fly on the wall. Most of the time
when something like this happens there are at least half a dozen people
watching it happen.

John Ernst
Post by www.PPPurist.info
Ha! I've not heard of that before but would have loved to have been a
fly on the wall! Bet your lip is sore!! ouch!
2006-05-31 21:48:26 UTC
Ah yes - the crowd that suddenly appear when it's all about to go to
pot, I've had that one happen to me on many an occasion!

Where do they come from?? Is there is billboard up that says
'yeeehhhaaa ya don't wanna miss this folks!' hehe!

Trailor loading brings out quite a crowd too doesn't it? !

Alison Hiltabidle
2006-06-01 13:40:33 UTC
Post by www.PPPurist.info
Ah yes - the crowd that suddenly appear when it's all about to go to
pot, I've had that one happen to me on many an occasion!
Where do they come from?? Is there is billboard up that says
'yeeehhhaaa ya don't wanna miss this folks!' hehe!
Trailor loading brings out quite a crowd too doesn't it? !
that and sheath cleaning ....
2006-06-01 16:15:03 UTC
"> that and sheath cleaning ...."

Ha! That is so true too!! 'Oooh you missed a bit.....' hehe

John J Ernst
2006-06-02 00:34:13 UTC
I liked the time I was standing behind one of our mares. My back was to her
while I was talking to a friend. As we were talking she started to smile
from ear to ear. The next thing I knew my mare was pissing from the middle
of my back down to my boots.
It sure is nice that you can always depend on a really good friend to bale
you out in a time of need. Oh, and yes, there were about two dozen people
that were on this trail ride with us, and yes, they all saw it happen.
Brings new meaning to "Some days your the dog. Other days your the fire

Pleasant trails

John Ernst
Post by Alison Hiltabidle
Post by www.PPPurist.info
Ah yes - the crowd that suddenly appear when it's all about to go to
pot, I've had that one happen to me on many an occasion!
Where do they come from?? Is there is billboard up that says
'yeeehhhaaa ya don't wanna miss this folks!' hehe!
Trailor loading brings out quite a crowd too doesn't it? !
that and sheath cleaning ....
2006-06-03 15:46:06 UTC
Ha! Now that's a moment and a half!

I can't believe your friend let you stay standing there! I'd never have
been able to stay quiet long enough!

One of our liveries once tried to catch a horses poo in her wheelbarrow
- she ran up behind this horse, whacked the wheelbarrow into her hocks,
spooked it half to death and in doing so the horse squitted the poo all
over her whilst running away! I was on the floor crying with laughter,
something told me that didn't help her mood any!

Aww, who wouldn't have horses eh? ha!

John J Ernst
2006-06-03 19:40:58 UTC
With that I would more then likly brake something laughing.
Post by www.PPPurist.info
Ha! Now that's a moment and a half!
I can't believe your friend let you stay standing there! I'd never have
been able to stay quiet long enough!
One of our liveries once tried to catch a horses poo in her wheelbarrow
- she ran up behind this horse, whacked the wheelbarrow into her hocks,
spooked it half to death and in doing so the horse squitted the poo all
over her whilst running away! I was on the floor crying with laughter,
something told me that didn't help her mood any!
Aww, who wouldn't have horses eh? ha!