Men should never ride mares
(too old to reply)
2006-06-28 14:31:16 UTC
Men should never ride mares. This is because it's too much temptation
for a man to have sex with the mare while out on a ride thru the woods
or somewhere real secluded. Men should only ride geldings (or
stallions), but not mares. People who don't own horses often make
comments and accuse men of having sex with their mares, even if the
man is not doing it. But in many ways they are correct in assuming
it. Most people can understand how any lonely male, out in the woods
with only his mare, looking at her long flowing mane, muscular body,
and large dark eyes, would easily get sexually aroused, then get up on
her back (without the saddle), and fornicate with her. The best
solution is men should only own male horses. But it does not stop
there, because women often get sexually aroused by their geldings and
stallions, and things happen..... The end result is women should only
own mares.

When you choose a horse, choose one that is the same sex as you, and
you'll eliminate most of the sexual temptations, acusations, and
possibly even some lawsuits, if someone believes you are fornicating
with your horse and they contact the authorities, because you could be
arrested, since having sex with animals is against the law in the USA,
and even if you own the horse, you will be charged and fined or
imprisoned, and probably have your horse taken away. Why risk the
hassles. Be safe and avoid the temptations, the urges, and the legal
issues. Never buy a horse that's the opposite sex.

John J Ernst
2006-06-28 18:00:35 UTC
Are you speaking from experience?
Have you been jilted over a mare?
Do you make the same posts in NG concerning cats and dogs?
Are you truly this bored?

John Ernst
Post by k***@hot---mail.com
Men should never ride mares. This is because it's too much temptation
for a man to have sex with the mare while out on a ride thru the woods
or somewhere real secluded. Men should only ride geldings (or
stallions), but not mares. People who don't own horses often make
comments and accuse men of having sex with their mares, even if the
man is not doing it. But in many ways they are correct in assuming
it. Most people can understand how any lonely male, out in the woods
with only his mare, looking at her long flowing mane, muscular body,
and large dark eyes, would easily get sexually aroused, then get up on
her back (without the saddle), and fornicate with her. The best
solution is men should only own male horses. But it does not stop
there, because women often get sexually aroused by their geldings and
stallions, and things happen..... The end result is women should only
own mares.
When you choose a horse, choose one that is the same sex as you, and
you'll eliminate most of the sexual temptations, acusations, and
possibly even some lawsuits, if someone believes you are fornicating
with your horse and they contact the authorities, because you could be
arrested, since having sex with animals is against the law in the USA,
and even if you own the horse, you will be charged and fined or
imprisoned, and probably have your horse taken away. Why risk the
hassles. Be safe and avoid the temptations, the urges, and the legal
issues. Never buy a horse that's the opposite sex.
2006-06-29 10:13:51 UTC
kate, are you on crack?
David L. ForbesII
2006-07-13 17:16:14 UTC
Re: Sex with animals - why is it illegal?

Group: alt.animals.horses.breeding Date:
Thu, July 13, 2006, 5:37am
From: ***@webtv.net (David=A0L.=A0ForbesII)

I would have to agree with Tammy.
I to take care of Quarter Horses and Clyesdales. I have had people call
the COPS on me 3 times this year about me having sex with the horses on
my ranch.

On 5-12-06 the COPS came out to me place and I was cleaning the horses
penis they ordered me to lay on the ground. I did so not knowing what
the problem was, until the lady officer told her partner that the whole
horse is wet and soapy. I asked if I can stand up and they said yes.
So I stood up and ask them what the F-ing hell was here problem? They
told me that they got a call that I was having sex with one of my
horses. So I asked them when did you get this call? They said 15 mins.
ago. I sighed and looked at them both and told them 15 mins. ago I was
cleaning a Mare Clyesdale and I was using a rag to clean her Vagina when
2 young boys rode up on there bikes and seen me cleaning the horse and
one of then said ewwwww gross.
They turned around on the trail and left. I didn't give it a second
thought. They asked me if I have ever or ever thought about having sex
with one of my horses and I told them NO!!! They said they were sorry
and left. I thought that would be the end of that but boy was I ever

On 6-22-06 The damn cops came to my place again and if 2 cops weren't
bad enuff the first time. There were 4 cop cars a total of 8 cops on my
ranch along with the Animal Control. Once again I was ordered to the
ground but this time I wasn't going to lay on the ground. I was to busy
doctoring a Stallion (Quarter Horse) that tried to jump over a barb wire
fence to get to a Mare (Clyesdale) in heat. Well the barb wire did a
number on his poor penis. He had scratched it all the way to his knot on
his penis and I felt so sorry for him. So I got him off the fence and
was cleaning it up. He was still hard only because he could still smell
the mare in heat. witch made my job easier. Then the cops and every one
just was all over the place. One of the officers grabbed my arm and
tried to take me to the ground but he is the one who got slammed. He
didn't like it. I told every one to stop and tell me what is going on
now!!! The officer I put on the ground said your under arrest for
hitting an officer of the law and I told him:
#1. I didn't hit
#2. I would never run up behind some one to slam them on the ground.
#3. You assaulted me first and that is why you ended up on the ground
and not me.
#4. So if you going to arrest any one, then arrest yourself.
He was pissed for sure now.
I asked again who wants to tell me what is going on now? Animal Control
spoke up and said that they got a call of me playing and jerking off a
horse. I said well it is nice to know that people are watching my ranch
very closely!!! I got an idea why don't you Sir come over here and check
out this horse and please tell me what do you see wrong with him. He
looked and he looked at me and said his penis is bleeding and it is all
scratched up... I said now do you understand what I was doing that might
have looked like I was playing or jerking off the horse. He said YES and
I am so so very sorry Mr.Forbes. I said well your damn right your sorry
and if any one comes on my land the way you people just did today I am
going to sue you, the police and who ever keeps making the calls. I
ordered them off my land and they left.

On 7-4-06 of all days.
The cops were out at my place again. As soon as I seen 2 cop cars coming
up the drive-way I said OH SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!

It was strange, only one cop got out and walked up to me and told me
that they got another call from the same people that I was under a male
horse naked... I looked at him and said there's a Foal in the barn. a
Quarter Horse Mare was in distress and I came out here to see what was
going on. It wasn't a male horse. She was giving birth but the Foal
that was stuck and the Mare was standing up. That is bad for both mom
and the baby. I had to think fast. I didn't have time to go back in the
house and put jeans, a shirt and shoes on. I was in my boxers and had my
socks on. I was not completely naked. So I went under the Mare to get on
the other side of her and help her lay down so I can pull on the Foal
just enuff to get him unstuck. As soon as I got her to lay down the Foal
just slid out because she wasn't relaxed until she laid down and I was
in there talking to her and stoking her neck.
The cop walked in the barn to look and walked back out and said he is
getting very tired of this BULL-SHIT and was going to go over to there
house to find out who keeps seeing you and then saying or calling to
report seeing you having sex with your horses.
I said great I want to press charges on the person for trespassing on my
land and for slander. He went over there arrested the guy and now (Knock
on WOOD) I just hope that is the end of that crap.

I am a single 28 year old Bisexual male in St. Charles, Michigan that is
a Welder for the U.S. Government. I enjoy taking care of my horses. I
Breed, Train, and Sell them when I think there ready to be sold.

I think it is wrong to judge other people just because of there sexual
preference. Hell if a man or woman wants to be penetrated by a Horse /
Animal that is totally up to them. I wouldn't agree with it but hey I
have heard and seen worst things then that.
I think it is a stupid law that people can't have sex with there
animals. If people want to have sex with there animals then they have
that right to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt the animal.
I thought the USA was a free Country where you can do or practise
anything you want. Well if you look at HISTORY people have always
crossed that line and had sex with animals, trees, odd things, horses
and the different races of people.

TAMMY is 100% right when she said people should keep there noses out of
other people's business.

I don't AGREE with the LOGIC of some people's thinking that a man
shouldn't be able to ride a Mare and only ride male horses or vise
verssa with a woman. That they only should ride the same sex of a
horse is just wrong. It is taking some one's rights away from them. A
gay man riding on a male horse is going to want to have sex with the
horse and the same thing with a lesbian riding on a female horse. So
the logic of men riding only male horses and women riding only female
horses makes NO SINCE!!!
