Where have all the horse lover's gone?
(too old to reply)
2006-01-16 16:42:26 UTC
You know, I must be getting old...I can remember oh, say 10 years ago when
you subscribed to a newsgroup it was just bustling with activity. You had
"friends" that you chit chatted with and there was always the bad apple that
tried to rile everyone up over stupid things.You know, the usual newsgroup
soap opera....(who needs as the wrold turns?) Now..it just seems dead here
in newsgroup land. Where have all the people gone? Are they to busy in all
that new fangled cyberspace to take 10 minutes for an old fashioned

~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
John J Ernst
2006-01-16 19:16:45 UTC
I browse this news group at times and once in a while find a good post, but
we need more post whether good or bad.

John J Ernst

'Knowledge belongs to our children. He that hordes knowledge not only sin's
against our children but sin's against his Gods'

Inscription discovered in Pompeii
Post by Heather
You know, I must be getting old...I can remember oh, say 10 years ago when
you subscribed to a newsgroup it was just bustling with activity. You had
"friends" that you chit chatted with and there was always the bad apple that
tried to rile everyone up over stupid things.You know, the usual newsgroup
soap opera....(who needs as the wrold turns?) Now..it just seems dead here
in newsgroup land. Where have all the people gone? Are they to busy in all
that new fangled cyberspace to take 10 minutes for an old fashioned
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
2006-01-17 16:17:06 UTC
I recognize the"netins.net" :) I lived in near Brooklyn before coming back
to Montana...Are you near there? Alot of pretty country on between Brooklyn
and Grinnell. Always see people out riding either on the highway or in the

~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there are no horses~
Post by John J Ernst
I browse this news group at times and once in a while find a good post, but
we need more post whether good or bad.
John J Ernst
'Knowledge belongs to our children. He that hordes knowledge not only sin's
against our children but sin's against his Gods'
Inscription discovered in Pompeii
John J Ernst
2006-01-17 22:58:36 UTC
I live just south of Bloomfield, Ia. If you don't know where exactly that is
located it is the last town on highway 63 before you hit Mo. We are in the
hilly part of Iowa. There are quite a number of horses here with both the
Amish population and pleasure/working rider. My daughters are becoming avid
riders which makes them 5th generation Iowa horse owners/riders (Politically
incorrect to say horsemen now days.)
Post by Heather
I recognize the"netins.net" :) I lived in near Brooklyn before coming back
to Montana...Are you near there? Alot of pretty country on between Brooklyn
and Grinnell. Always see people out riding either on the highway or in the
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there are no horses~
Post by John J Ernst
I browse this news group at times and once in a while find a good post,
Post by John J Ernst
we need more post whether good or bad.
John J Ernst
'Knowledge belongs to our children. He that hordes knowledge not only
Post by John J Ernst
against our children but sin's against his Gods'
Inscription discovered in Pompeii
2006-01-18 15:33:35 UTC
I know right where that is :) I grew up in Oskaloosa and lived in that
general area all of my life....Well, up until the last 5 yeard or so.
My oldest son races 4 wheelers down that way on the flat track. It is
pretty country down there. We've been through there many times...you never
know...we might've passed on the road somewhere.
Post by John J Ernst
I live just south of Bloomfield, Ia. If you don't know where exactly that is
located it is the last town on highway 63 before you hit Mo. We are in the
hilly part of Iowa. There are quite a number of horses here with both the
Amish population and pleasure/working rider. My daughters are becoming avid
riders which makes them 5th generation Iowa horse owners/riders (Politically
incorrect to say horsemen now days.)
Post by Heather
I recognize the"netins.net" :) I lived in near Brooklyn before coming back
to Montana...Are you near there? Alot of pretty country on between Brooklyn
and Grinnell. Always see people out riding either on the highway or in the
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there are no horses~
Post by John J Ernst
I browse this news group at times and once in a while find a good post,
Post by John J Ernst
we need more post whether good or bad.
John J Ernst
'Knowledge belongs to our children. He that hordes knowledge not only
Post by John J Ernst
against our children but sin's against his Gods'
Inscription discovered in Pompeii
A Macrae
2006-01-19 01:24:15 UTC
Post by Heather
I know right where that is :) I grew up in Oskaloosa and lived in that
general area all of my life....Well, up until the last 5 yeard or so.
My oldest son races 4 wheelers down that way on the flat track. It is
pretty country down there. We've been through there many times...you never
know...we might've passed on the road somewhere.
Post by John J Ernst
I live just south of Bloomfield, Ia. If you don't know where exactly that
Post by John J Ernst
located it is the last town on highway 63 before you hit Mo. We are in the
hilly part of Iowa. There are quite a number of horses here with both the
Amish population and pleasure/working rider. My daughters are becoming
Post by John J Ernst
riders which makes them 5th generation Iowa horse owners/riders
Post by John J Ernst
incorrect to say horsemen now days.)
Post by Heather
I recognize the"netins.net" :) I lived in near Brooklyn before coming
Post by John J Ernst
Post by Heather
to Montana...Are you near there? Alot of pretty country on between Brooklyn
and Grinnell. Always see people out riding either on the highway or in
Post by John J Ernst
Post by Heather
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there are no horses~
Post by John J Ernst
I browse this news group at times and once in a while find a good post,
Post by John J Ernst
we need more post whether good or bad.
John J Ernst
'Knowledge belongs to our children. He that hordes knowledge not only
Post by John J Ernst
against our children but sin's against his Gods'
Inscription discovered in Pompeii
John J Ernst
2006-01-20 19:18:03 UTC
Speaking of riding in Iowa, where do you like to ride in your area? We ride
on and around our acreage but are thinking of going Shemick (sp) State Park
"located around Farmington area" with some mule riding friends later in the

John Ernst
Post by Heather
I know right where that is :) I grew up in Oskaloosa and lived in that
general area all of my life....Well, up until the last 5 yeard or so.
My oldest son races 4 wheelers down that way on the flat track. It is
pretty country down there. We've been through there many times...you never
know...we might've passed on the road somewhere.
Post by John J Ernst
I live just south of Bloomfield, Ia. If you don't know where exactly that
Post by John J Ernst
located it is the last town on highway 63 before you hit Mo. We are in the
hilly part of Iowa. There are quite a number of horses here with both the
Amish population and pleasure/working rider. My daughters are becoming
Post by John J Ernst
riders which makes them 5th generation Iowa horse owners/riders
Post by John J Ernst
incorrect to say horsemen now days.)
Post by Heather
I recognize the"netins.net" :) I lived in near Brooklyn before coming
Post by John J Ernst
Post by Heather
to Montana...Are you near there? Alot of pretty country on between Brooklyn
and Grinnell. Always see people out riding either on the highway or in
Post by John J Ernst
Post by Heather
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there are no horses~
Post by John J Ernst
I browse this news group at times and once in a while find a good post,
Post by John J Ernst
we need more post whether good or bad.
John J Ernst
'Knowledge belongs to our children. He that hordes knowledge not only
Post by John J Ernst
against our children but sin's against his Gods'
Inscription discovered in Pompeii
2006-01-21 16:23:35 UTC
We lived in the backyard of Stephen's Forest, the Whitebreast and Lucas Unit
between Lucas and Derby. Really nice trails there and very popular for
camping with horses. I personally liked the trails better in the Lucas Unit.
I was told there was a trail in the Whitebreast Unit called "Widowmaker",
but I was never inclined to do that to my horses. Shimmick is nice, too. We
also camped at Brushy Creek up by Fort Dodge before. They have a big arena,
as well as trails, and the facilities are nice.I hear they cut some horse
trails down at Rathbun, too. I have a friend by the name of Bill Ward from
Moravia who has a huge campout and trail ride every year. Pretty fun. Maybe
you all could get hooked up there as well.


~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
Post by John J Ernst
Speaking of riding in Iowa, where do you like to ride in your area? We ride
on and around our acreage but are thinking of going Shemick (sp) State Park
"located around Farmington area" with some mule riding friends later in the
John Ernst
John J Ernst
2006-01-21 22:27:01 UTC
At the moment we have a real problem with trailering our horses. Plain and
simple, we don't have one. But I hope to put and end to that this spring.
Two brothers that farm together (we've been friends for years) have a
trailer that needs some major welding on the frame. I have the tools and the
know how, and they will part with it for little of nothing, if anything at
all. So there goes the trailer problem. I no longer have to rely on others
for transport.

John Ernst
Post by Heather
We lived in the backyard of Stephen's Forest, the Whitebreast and Lucas Unit
between Lucas and Derby. Really nice trails there and very popular for
camping with horses. I personally liked the trails better in the Lucas Unit.
I was told there was a trail in the Whitebreast Unit called "Widowmaker",
but I was never inclined to do that to my horses. Shimmick is nice, too. We
also camped at Brushy Creek up by Fort Dodge before. They have a big arena,
as well as trails, and the facilities are nice.I hear they cut some horse
trails down at Rathbun, too. I have a friend by the name of Bill Ward from
Moravia who has a huge campout and trail ride every year. Pretty fun. Maybe
you all could get hooked up there as well.
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
Post by John J Ernst
Speaking of riding in Iowa, where do you like to ride in your area? We
Post by John J Ernst
on and around our acreage but are thinking of going Shemick (sp) State
Post by John J Ernst
"located around Farmington area" with some mule riding friends later in
Post by John J Ernst
John Ernst
2006-01-22 11:13:58 UTC
2006-01-22 15:40:44 UTC

~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
John J Ernst
2006-01-23 13:29:29 UTC
I was think more along the lines of a mix of birdsfoot trefoil, red clover
and timothy. But each to their own fodder.
Post by Heather
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
2006-01-26 01:48:03 UTC
Oat straw is pretty good, too. My arab used to go nuts over it.
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~
Post by John J Ernst
I was think more along the lines of a mix of birdsfoot trefoil, red clover
and timothy. But each to their own fodder.
Post by Heather
~God forbid that I should go to a heaven in which there aren't any horses~