I hate horses
(too old to reply)
2005-10-12 06:05:15 UTC
Horses used to be my life. All I ever thought about was horses, and I
owned seven of them. They were my best friends and could not wait to
be with them. Then one of them died from old age. A few months later
another got real sick and the vet said it was terminal (cancer) and
the horse had to be put down. That same week another one got badly
injured and died on the spot. Last week I lost another. The vet
could not identify the cause but said it was some sort of viral thing
and the horse was in severe pain and should be put down. He did it.
The vet said that he could see I take very good care of them and I
have bad luck with horses.

Just today I sold all three of the remaining horses. Actually the
buyer wanted the two horses but not the pony. I gave them the pony
for free. I loved horses so much that I now hate them, and wanted
them totally out of my life. I hope to never be near another horse,
because I can not stand to see them die

I just had to vent and say this. I wont even visit this newsgroup
again because anything and everything that has to do with horses I am
getting out of my life. The saddles and tack will go as soon as
possible, and I want to completely forget I ever had anything to do
with horses. They gave me more love than any human ever has, and they
caused me more pain thru their deaths than I have ever felt in my
whole life. I never thought I'd be without horses, not I am glad they
are gone so I dont have to see another one die.

Thanks for listening

Just some anonymous ex-horse lover.
2005-10-18 06:19:46 UTC
My heart goes out to you - take care and be nice to yourself

Post by a***@none.com
Horses used to be my life. All I ever thought about was horses, and I
owned seven of them. They were my best friends and could not wait to
be with them. Then one of them died from old age. A few months later
another got real sick and the vet said it was terminal (cancer) and
the horse had to be put down. That same week another one got badly
injured and died on the spot. Last week I lost another. The vet
could not identify the cause but said it was some sort of viral thing
and the horse was in severe pain and should be put down. He did it.
The vet said that he could see I take very good care of them and I
have bad luck with horses.
Just today I sold all three of the remaining horses. Actually the
buyer wanted the two horses but not the pony. I gave them the pony
for free. I loved horses so much that I now hate them, and wanted
them totally out of my life. I hope to never be near another horse,
because I can not stand to see them die
I just had to vent and say this. I wont even visit this newsgroup
again because anything and everything that has to do with horses I am
getting out of my life. The saddles and tack will go as soon as
possible, and I want to completely forget I ever had anything to do
with horses. They gave me more love than any human ever has, and they
caused me more pain thru their deaths than I have ever felt in my
whole life. I never thought I'd be without horses, not I am glad they
are gone so I dont have to see another one die.
Thanks for listening
Just some anonymous ex-horse lover.
Shadow Walker
2005-10-21 22:30:47 UTC
I know the loss of a beloved horse over three years ago I had to put
down my beloved horse of five years. He had cancer and was not getting any

I even thought I would never have anything to do with horses again. I
sold everything, what I could no sell, I gave away. I even threw away my

Me and my husband lost a cat to an unknown illness two years ago. He was
suffeering after I faught for a month to keep him alive.

Three years later an old broke down, starved Paso Fino struck a cord in
me and I bought him.
Saved him, fixed him up a bit. Have had him over two years and he is not for
riding or anything just a companion.

You think you are hating but you are in pain and need release. I pray
you will come around sooner than I did. The love of an animal is so
precious. They didn't do anything to you, they got sick. You did the best
for them. Do not close off your heart to something so true and
incorruptible. huggs to you,
Post by a***@none.com
Horses used to be my life. All I ever thought about was horses, and I
owned seven of them. They were my best friends and could not wait to
be with them. Then one of them died from old age. A few months later
another got real sick and the vet said it was terminal (cancer) and
the horse had to be put down. That same week another one got badly
injured and died on the spot. Last week I lost another. The vet
could not identify the cause but said it was some sort of viral thing
and the horse was in severe pain and should be put down. He did it.
The vet said that he could see I take very good care of them and I
have bad luck with horses.
Just today I sold all three of the remaining horses. Actually the
buyer wanted the two horses but not the pony. I gave them the pony
for free. I loved horses so much that I now hate them, and wanted
them totally out of my life. I hope to never be near another horse,
because I can not stand to see them die
I just had to vent and say this. I wont even visit this newsgroup
again because anything and everything that has to do with horses I am
getting out of my life. The saddles and tack will go as soon as
possible, and I want to completely forget I ever had anything to do
with horses. They gave me more love than any human ever has, and they
caused me more pain thru their deaths than I have ever felt in my
whole life. I never thought I'd be without horses, not I am glad they
are gone so I dont have to see another one die.
Thanks for listening
Just some anonymous ex-horse lover.