Favorite Place
(too old to reply)
2006-05-25 14:41:39 UTC
I'm a student in a college class and my professor asked me to find out
your favorite place to go horseback riding. Any responses are greatly
2006-05-26 12:34:01 UTC
We are Blessed with so much Open Space and Logging Roads in Northern
California, that our Community is always "Headin for the Hills".

However, there are always groups trying to limit access to these
locations, so all Horsemen, everywhere, have to stay informed and
become involved in Local Regional State and federal Legislation.
Check out the Right to Ride bill now in Congress.

S. 781, the Right to Ride Livestock on Federal Land Act of 2005. This
bill would require National Parks to remain open and accessible for the
use of pack and saddle stock animals on land where there is a tradition
of using such animals.

Believe it or not there is a well-organized Opposition to this bill by
well-intentioned people (Hiker Groups) who do not understand.
Bernadette & Fred Hunt
2006-06-03 03:04:53 UTC
Here in the middle of Western Australia I love to ride in the bush and
often take the kids out in either the cart or on horseback plenty of
wildlife to see at the moment we have at least 50 Kangaroos who have moved
in for the feed as well as long as you dont bother them there fine with us
passing. We do have lots of mining leases here so you do have to check still
wether you are on anyone elses land but mostly its for everyone we have more
problems with motor bikes the with the wildlife
Happy Trails!!
Post by c***@sbcglobal.net
We are Blessed with so much Open Space and Logging Roads in Northern
California, that our Community is always "Headin for the Hills".
However, there are always groups trying to limit access to these
locations, so all Horsemen, everywhere, have to stay informed and
become involved in Local Regional State and federal Legislation.
Check out the Right to Ride bill now in Congress.
S. 781, the Right to Ride Livestock on Federal Land Act of 2005. This
bill would require National Parks to remain open and accessible for the
use of pack and saddle stock animals on land where there is a tradition
of using such animals.
Believe it or not there is a well-organized Opposition to this bill by
well-intentioned people (Hiker Groups) who do not understand.