Horse is not shedding his winter coat
(too old to reply)
2006-04-11 22:36:44 UTC
We bought a small(14 hands) 11 yr. old arabian horse recently. It
was obvious that he was underweight. In fact the vet said he needed
to gain about 400 lbs. We have had him about two months. During this
time our other horses have lost their winter coat. However, this new
horse still most of his winter coat and doesn't seem to be shedding.
Why isn't he shedding? Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Lena Borch
2006-06-09 08:33:28 UTC
I have the same problem with my two small ones. The answer is right there in
your own words - he is underweight! ;O) Whenever a horse is in severe pain
og malnutritioned he keeps his winter coat for protection. Feed him well and
cut his hair. I just did it with mine - with scissors! They look awful but
enjoyed it ;O) Good luck
Post by j***@NOSPAMjuno.com
We bought a small(14 hands) 11 yr. old arabian horse recently. It
was obvious that he was underweight. In fact the vet said he needed
to gain about 400 lbs. We have had him about two months. During this
time our other horses have lost their winter coat. However, this new
horse still most of his winter coat and doesn't seem to be shedding.
Why isn't he shedding? Any thoughts will be appreciated.