Horseback riding vacation Black Hills South Dakota
(too old to reply)
2009-01-03 19:35:18 UTC
Enjoy a week long vacation in the Black Hills of South Dakota on
Horseback the week of May 30th through June 6th 2009 courtesy of Blue
Sky Ranches. No previous horseback riding experience necessary.

You'll enjoy the beautiful trails of the Black Hills National Forest
and Custer State Park. You'll get a once in a lifetime opportunity to
ride side by side with the largest free roaming buffalo herd in the
country. You'll ride right up the mountain and see Mount Rushmore up
close and personal and will see the Crazy Horse Memorial as well.

The included meals and accommodations at the High Country Ranch mean
that you won't be roughing it in the least. The week long stay will
include a trip into the historic town of Deadwood and a ride on an old
steam locomotive as well. A 38 minute video of the trip is available
in DIVX format online at http://www.blueskyranches.com/SouthDakotaVideo.html
or you can contact them by phone at 520-824-1660 and they can cut you
a DVD and send it to you.

We booked this vacation and provided a non-refundable deposit ($1250
per person for each of the four of us) prior to finding out that a
long awaited family reunion was sheduled for that week. Believe me we
are all kicking ourselves right now... we are going to have to wait
until next year (2010) before we can make this trip... we envy you if
you can take it.

What is being auctioned off here are our four(4) deposits. Bid on as
many of the four as you'd like and if you need more, they can be
purchased directly from Blue Sky Ranches... but they would need any of
the extra deposits by January 15, 2009.

*** THIS AUCTION IS FOR OUR DEPOSITS ONLY *** the remaining $1250 must
be paid directly to Blue Sky Ranches no later than May 1, 2009. The
total cost of the week is $2500 ($1250 deposit and the $1250 due 5/1)
which does not include round trip airfare to the Rapid City, South
Dakota airport (RAP).

If the dates above do not work for you, there MAY be a possibility of
booking one of the two following weeks if there is availability, but
this would need to be confirmed with the folks at Blue Sky Ranches.

Please feel free to contact me by phone at 516-984-5406 if you have
any questions about this item before bidding

2009-05-03 03:12:09 UTC
<***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:0f665c74-34d0-4bfc-89f9-***@b41g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
Enjoy a week long vacation in the Black Hills of South Dakota on
Horseback the week of May 30th through June 6th 2009 courtesy of Blue
Sky Ranches. No previous horseback riding experience necessary.

Great! I'll pack my chaps, boots, spurs and whips (I like to come equipped)
and be ready anytime on the 30th. I'll e-mail you my address and you can
pick me up, okay?
I like steaks and beans, campfire sing-songs, so I got my 12 string ready to
howl at the moonlight (Garth Brooks covers) and maybe a little canoodlin'
when the fire gets low, real low, hello cowgirl in the sand, low.
I'm an early riser so I'll give the horses some oats and hay, make some
coffee and brand a few cattle before you awake from your soft, slumbering
I'm a straight as a birch, and strong like a bull thats crazy for a f..
My name is Ruskin. What's yours? Don't be a nervous Nellie because this old
horse ain't a teaser. Those days are over. 'Ol fees gone up some. You say I
don't need experience, so I take it your not in race shape yet. A few
workouts round some barrels will sharpen it up. You got nice horses? Sounds
like a spiffy ranch ya' got. 'Reckon we could go out walkin' and look for
old Souix arrowheads. There's goose berries this time 'o year. Take some
bannack and go fish those litttle cricks. Gee whizz I can hardly wait. If
I'm not out there on the curb, you'll see my saddle n' gear there. I really
appreciate you offering such a glorious vacation for two, thats me n' you
I'm an old cow hand,
From the Rio Grande,
Da Dee Dee Dah Dah,
Doodle dee doodle dye day.
