Needed 4 - 57/64 Snaffle Bit
(too old to reply)
2006-07-14 11:56:15 UTC
My husband measured my horse's mouth using a caliper and precision
digital slide rule. I want to get a perfect fitting bit. I need a
bit that is 4 - 57/64 inches (tom thumb snaffle). Now that I got the
exact measurements, I can not find a bit that size. It looks like all
bits are sized in either one inch or in half inch increments. That's
not going to work. Either the bit will be too loose or too tight. Is
there a place that custom makes them to the actual size needed?
This is a show horse so the fit must be exact.
Alison Hiltabidle
2006-07-14 16:12:39 UTC
Post by e***@0y0a0h0o0o0.com
My husband measured my horse's mouth using a caliper and precision
digital slide rule. I want to get a perfect fitting bit. I need a
bit that is 4 - 57/64 inches (tom thumb snaffle). Now that I got the
exact measurements, I can not find a bit that size. It looks like all
bits are sized in either one inch or in half inch increments. That's
not going to work. Either the bit will be too loose or too tight. Is
there a place that custom makes them to the actual size needed?
This is a show horse so the fit must be exact.
Really, you should be fine with a 4 1/2 inch bit. If there is anyone
that customizes bits to that extent, I've not heard of it. Depending
upon the kind of showing you're doing, I would eigher ride in a loose
ring snaffle or a curb. A tom thumb is one of the harsher bits; even
though its called a snaffle, because of the shanks, it has a curb action.

More important than the length of the mouthpiece is the size of the
mouthpiece. If your horse has a thick tongue, and/or a low palate, then
you'd want a thinner mouthpiece.

Edward Stammer
2006-07-15 11:43:09 UTC
I am a horse owner, but also an engineer. If you think about the size of
bit you are asking for, you are really looking for a five inch bit, because
7/64 of an inch is only a little bigger than the size of one of these
letters on the screen.

Your bit will fit better if you choose a five inch vice a 4.5 inch, since
the horses mouth is wider than a 4.5 inch bit would fit comfortably.

Ed Stammer
Post by e***@0y0a0h0o0o0.com
My husband measured my horse's mouth using a caliper and precision
digital slide rule. I want to get a perfect fitting bit. I need a
bit that is 4 - 57/64 inches (tom thumb snaffle). Now that I got the
exact measurements, I can not find a bit that size. It looks like all
bits are sized in either one inch or in half inch increments. That's
not going to work. Either the bit will be too loose or too tight. Is
there a place that custom makes them to the actual size needed?
This is a show horse so the fit must be exact.
Dana Compton
2006-07-18 22:42:36 UTC
Post by e***@0y0a0h0o0o0.com
My husband measured my horse's mouth using a caliper and precision
digital slide rule. I want to get a perfect fitting bit. I need a
bit that is 4 - 57/64 inches (tom thumb snaffle). Now that I got the
exact measurements, I can not find a bit that size. It looks like all
bits are sized in either one inch or in half inch increments. That's
not going to work. Either the bit will be too loose or too tight. Is
there a place that custom makes them to the actual size needed?
This is a show horse so the fit must be exact.
Someone told you the bit must fit I assume. That doesn't mean to
nearest 1/16th on an inch LOL. promise. A "real" show horse is going to
need a silver shank bit so better to spend your money on that ;)
On a serious note you need a 5". Your horse's lips will spread a little
once the bit goes in. You should not be pulling hard enough on a
leverage bit for it to matter if the bit is a slightly larger size. You
should be more concerned about saddle fit than getting the bit down to
1/16 of an inch.

