Horses poop in the barn
(too old to reply)
2009-04-24 01:32:47 UTC
We built a barn for our horses. Rather than make individual stalls,
we left the stall area open like a loafing shed. The horses love it
and spend a lot of time in the barn. The problem is that the horses
seem to prefer to poop in the barn rather than outside. THe result is
a time consuming effort to keep the barn floor clean. Any ideas of
how we can get them to poop outside the barn and lessen this chore?

I know we can close it so they can't get into it but that defeats the
reason we built it to give them a shelter out of the weather.
2009-04-24 11:34:24 UTC
Date: Thurs, Apr 23 2009 6:32 pm
From: ***@NOSPAMjuno.com (Jack

<<We built a barn for our horses. Rather than make individual stalls,
we left the stall area open like a loafing shed. The horses love it
and spend a lot of time in the barn. The problem is that the horses
seem to prefer to poop in the barn rather than outside. THe result is
a time consuming effort to keep the barn floor clean. Any ideas of
how we can get them to poop outside the barn and lessen this chore?

<<I know we can close it so they can't get into it but that defeats
reason we built it to give them a shelter out of the weather. >>

I guess you don't know horses very well. They do not "house break."
They urinate and defacate at will and wherever they are.

Had you built individual stalls for them, you would have to spread a
thick layer of litter over the floor of each stall, and then clean
each stall at least once daily, adding litter as necessary, and
"bottoming out" each stall periodically. Leaving the barn stallless,
you must cover the entire floor with a deep bed of litter, and clean
that out at least once daily.

That is horses' nature.
