I Want to Marry my Horse
(too old to reply)
2006-10-13 08:04:13 UTC
Everyone keeps telling me this is not legal. I thought this is a free
country here in the USA. I love my horse and she is everything I want
in a woman. Here name is Pixel and she is beautiful. She makes me
happy, so why cant I marry her? Why am I forced to marry a person
when I dislike people? I love Pixel and no one else.
2006-10-14 04:42:24 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Everyone keeps telling me this is not legal. I thought this is a free
country here in the USA. I love my horse and she is everything I want
in a woman. Here name is Pixel and she is beautiful. She makes me
happy, so why cant I marry her? Why am I forced to marry a person
when I dislike people? I love Pixel and no one else.
So here is a guy who is against gay marriage using a very tired
argument about marrying animals and comparing it to marriage between
two human, consenting adults.

Gay marriage has many benefits for society, namley happy, productive
citizens, one less breeding pair to add to the worlds over population,
a possible pair that will adopt an unwanted child and TAXPAYERS!

What bugs me is the people who say you can't, that want to take away
OUR choises because of THIER religion and intolerance. American is
about freedom and that includes the freedom to choose.
Alison Hiltabidle
2006-10-14 18:38:42 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Everyone keeps telling me this is not legal. I thought this is a free
country here in the USA. I love my horse and she is everything I want
in a woman. Here name is Pixel and she is beautiful. She makes me
happy, so why cant I marry her? Why am I forced to marry a person
when I dislike people? I love Pixel and no one else.
So here is a guy who is against gay marriage using a very tired
argument about marrying animals and comparing it to marriage between
two human, consenting adults.
Gay marriage has many benefits for society, namley happy, productive
citizens, one less breeding pair to add to the worlds over population,
a possible pair that will adopt an unwanted child and TAXPAYERS!
What bugs me is the people who say you can't, that want to take away
OUR choises because of THIER religion and intolerance. American is
about freedom and that includes the freedom to choose.
While I may agree with you? Why waste time on a troll?
2006-10-15 00:31:33 UTC
Yes, I see now how it has many benefits for society, namely happy,
citizens, one less breeding pair to add to the worlds over population,
a possible pair that will adopt an unwanted child and TAXPAYER!
Ofcourse then the adopted child can ride the horse.
Oh, you were talking about Gay marriage, OOPS

I guess you can try to justify immorality, in any form, with that type
of statement.

There are those that think that we the "FREE" should be able to make
our own choices and not be held morally accountable. The Family of
four in Florida's turnpike that were shot to death by someone. Just
someone exorcised his right to free choice. Uh?

Or if a man wants to have sex with an impressionable young boy and they
are both consenting, that is OK too. Just exorcising free choice. Can
anyone say NAMBLA?

Same song, just a different dance so don't buy in to this crap being
Gay and Gay marriage are Normal and OK any more so than Marring you

Some people are just like a little kid that hear his/her mommy tell
somebody that something is bad/good and then that becomes his/her
opinion too with out even finding out the facts about it.
There is a teenager who's parents told him/her not to do some thing and
to him/her they are just trying to control his/her life or could they
know that it is not good for him/her to do/have/be.
"Got Wisdom?"

Sorry for the off-group post everyone!
2006-10-16 19:06:09 UTC
Post by Panther
Yes, I see now how it has many benefits for society, namely happy,
citizens, one less breeding pair to add to the worlds over population,
a possible pair that will adopt an unwanted child and TAXPAYER!
Ofcourse then the adopted child can ride the horse.
Oh, you were talking about Gay marriage, OOPS
I guess you can try to justify immorality, in any form, with that type
of statement.
There are those that think that we the "FREE" should be able to make
our own choices and not be held morally accountable. The Family of
four in Florida's turnpike that were shot to death by someone. Just
someone exorcised his right to free choice. Uh?
Or if a man wants to have sex with an impressionable young boy and they
are both consenting, that is OK too. Just exorcising free choice. Can
anyone say NAMBLA?
Same song, just a different dance so don't buy in to this crap being
Gay and Gay marriage are Normal and OK any more so than Marring you
Some people are just like a little kid that hear his/her mommy tell
somebody that something is bad/good and then that becomes his/her
opinion too with out even finding out the facts about it.
There is a teenager who's parents told him/her not to do some thing and
to him/her they are just trying to control his/her life or could they
know that it is not good for him/her to do/have/be.
"Got Wisdom?"
Sorry for the off-group post everyone!
While marrying a horse may seem odd to most people, I think I find it
less repulsive than someone having sex with another person of their
same sex. But this is just my own opinion, and what seems wrong to
me, does not mean others need to follow my advice. To put it bluntly,
if someone told me I had to choose between marrying someone that is
the same sex as me, or a horse, I'd choose the horse. However, I am
sure that I will never have to face that choice in real life.

At the same time, I think all of this has to do with the current
upcoming vote. We are supposed to vote whether we want the government
to ban gay marriage, or allow it. I know I surely would not marry a
gay person, but at the same time, why the hell is the US government
making laws that tell us who we can and can no marry? America was
founded to allow us freedom and the persuit of happiness. It's NOT
the governments job to tell me or you, who we can or can not marry. I
will definately vote NO on that bill. If marrying a gay person, or a
horse, or a dog or even my car, is what allows me to persue happiness,
then that is my right in a free country. I am damn sick and tired of
the US gov. forcing their morals on me, based on religion, which these
same politicians do not follow. If they want to make laws based on
the bible, then how come they are can not follow the part of the bible
that says "thou shall not kill". It is NOT the gov. that has the
right to tell me I can ONLY marry a human of the opposite sex. The
gov. can bugout of my sex life and my personal affairs. If I want to
marry a gay, a horse, or anything else, that is my right in a free
country. Otherwise the "pledge of alliegence" is a lie.
2006-11-03 21:55:11 UTC
Wrongly Attempting Independent Thought, "Panther"
Can anyone say NAMBLA?
Seems Republicans are the only idiots who ever DO say it.
Sorry for the off-group post everyone!
someone exorcised his right to free choice. Uh?
2006-11-03 21:43:58 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Gay marriage has many benefits for society, namley happy, productive
citizens, one less breeding pair to add to the worlds over population,
a possible pair that will adopt an unwanted child and TAXPAYERS!
What bugs me is the people who say you can't, that want to take away
OUR choises because of THIER religion and intolerance. American is
about freedom and that includes the freedom to choose.
Wow! That is the best point Ive read concerning this issue. Youre
correct, the Repubs should be rejoicing at having childless taxpayers
on the roles, and more adoptive couples

And one of the Christians biggest complains is the immorally they
perceive Gays exhibit. You'd think they would ENCOURAGE committed
unions. Alas, their hatred blinds them to many truths.

Keep getting you well spoken word out, Wavecutter. We'll convince 'em
one at a time!

2006-11-25 08:27:54 UTC
On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 21:43:58 GMT, NotSoNutSo
Post by NotSoNutSo
Post by w***@gmail.com
Gay marriage has many benefits for society, namley happy, productive
citizens, one less breeding pair to add to the worlds over population,
a possible pair that will adopt an unwanted child and TAXPAYERS!
What bugs me is the people who say you can't, that want to take away
OUR choises because of THIER religion and intolerance. American is
about freedom and that includes the freedom to choose.
Wow! That is the best point Ive read concerning this issue. Youre
correct, the Repubs should be rejoicing at having childless taxpayers
on the roles, and more adoptive couples
And one of the Christians biggest complains is the immorally they
perceive Gays exhibit. You'd think they would ENCOURAGE committed
unions. Alas, their hatred blinds them to many truths.
Keep getting you well spoken word out, Wavecutter. We'll convince 'em
one at a time!
Christians are like a virus. They keep spreading, infecting others and
making many people sick. I have nothing against spirituality and I
personally believe there is a God, but I will have nothing to do with
christianity. I wont have anything to do with repubs either.

Whats so wrong with marrying a horse? I am pretty much married to
mine. Well, not legally married as in going to a courthouse or church
with a marriage certificate, but my horse is my best friend, and the
one creature I love the most in this world. No, we dont have sex, but
we share lots of hugs, kisses and affection. Horses are the most
loving creatures on earth. I am married to my horse in the sense we
will be together until one of us dies. Unlike most people with horses,
I dont trade or sell horses every year for a "new model". I am
committed to mine for life. I'd call that a marriage !!!

2006-11-25 19:11:48 UTC
Post by d***@a-o-l.com
Whats so wrong with marrying a horse? I am pretty much married to
mine. Well, not legally married as in going to a courthouse or church
with a marriage certificate, but my horse is my best friend, and the
one creature I love the most in this world. No, we dont have sex, but
we share lots of hugs, kisses and affection. Horses are the most
loving creatures on earth. I am married to my horse in the sense we
will be together until one of us dies. Unlike most people with horses,
I dont trade or sell horses every year for a "new model". I am
committed to mine for life. I'd call that a marriage !!!
What a loving tribute to a noble beast! Your words touched me


2006-10-18 07:37:30 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Everyone keeps telling me this is not legal. I thought this is a free
country here in the USA. I love my horse and she is everything I want
in a woman. Here name is Pixel and she is beautiful. She makes me
happy, so why cant I marry her? Why am I forced to marry a person
when I dislike people? I love Pixel and no one else.
gonna be hard finding a bridal suite!!!

2006-11-11 17:38:39 UTC
Freedom is NOT always about freedom in everything there is still rules that
we all follow in society.

If we allow gay marriage then why not allow pologamy as well? or a man in
his 40's to a girl of only 13 or 14 (as she is old enough to speak her

Remember girls were married by their mid teens, years ago! and most times to
an older man it was common.

Post by p***@yahoo.com
Everyone keeps telling me this is not legal. I thought this is a free
country here in the USA. I love my horse and she is everything I want
in a woman. Here name is Pixel and she is beautiful. She makes me
happy, so why cant I marry her? Why am I forced to marry a person
when I dislike people? I love Pixel and no one else.